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Why Fiber Goats?
When we first decided to add goats to our life, we did lots of research and fell in love with the idea of Pygoras, as castrated males had such a valuable place in the herd. So after much research - and many trips to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival - we happened upon two wethers in need of a new home.

Bringing home Nibbles and Darwin just cemented our love of the breed as they were such, sweet, funny boys full of character and charm. We enjoyed them so much that we bought a few more, and suddenly we were in the fiber goat business for the last 10 years!
After our first foray into registered Pygoras, we found another small registry called the PCA, which took Pygoras and added Colored Angora blood to the mix in an effort to broaden the colors and patterns available, while still keeping the fineness and quality of the lovely Pygora fleece.
And when we bred our first fiber goats, we opted to try milking a few that had ample milk after their kids began to wean. And from this, we made our first cheeses. This led us to dive into the Nigora breed of fiber goats so we could have more milk and fine fiber from the same animal.
After ten wonderful years, we have decided to reduce our fiber goat herd so that we can focus on our dairy goats for a while. But we have retained a few favorites so we still have a supply of that gorgeous fluffy-stuff to play with.
Please look through our individual fiber goat breed pages to see the wonderful goats we share our lives with.

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