To see what exciting pairings we have made for this year, please check out the 2020 Goat Breedings page.

Please contact us via email to be put on the waitlist for kids out of any doe/buck pairing we have announced. Once the doe has kidded, you will be contacted - in the order you were put on the waitlist - to make your selection and pay a holding fee of half the sale price before the kid(s) of your choice is 6 weeks old.
• Bucklings:
Bucklings must be PAID IN FULL before they are 6 weeks old.
• Wethers & Does:
We must receive HALF OF THE SALE PRICE on wethers and does before they are 6 weeks old. The remainder is due when you pick up the goat.
A note about disbudding:
All babies WILL BE DISBUDDED at or before 10 days of age. If you would like your goat to keep its horns, you must let us know your choice when you are put on the waitlist, and we must receive full payment before the kid of your choice is 10 days old.
If you would like a DOE KID out of a pairing we have not planned, we are willing to arrange that breeding as long as you have paid in full, in advance of the breeding. Breedings take place in October and November on our farm so arrangements and payments must be made no later than November 1st. Kids will be available to take home by arrangement, but no earlier than 8 weeks of age. Please contact us for more information.